Mini Toys
Dinosaur eggs, bouncy balls, toy cars, toy motorcycles, watch maze, slime for birthday goodie bags! These mini toys promote hands-on interaction and enhances sensory development in children. Perfect as gifts for birthday goodie bags/party packs/ children's day celebrations!
Like what you see and would like to customize the items of your goodie bag and have us pack it for you at no additional cost? Feel free to email us ( or chat with us now on Facebook Page! welcomes customized orders as we understand that every party is unique!
You may customize your pack with our Pick-Your-Pack promos which includes complimentary if each pack exceeds *$3.50!
*Pls note that this minimum amount is subjected to changes and updated on this link: Pick-Your-Pack
3-in-1 Bubble Stamp Pen
Multi-functional pen for goodie bags! You can use it to write, provides bubble fun and a cute ..
Animal Balloon Ball
Inflatable animal rubber balloon ball - what a novelty toy! Upon inflation, you can throw it, kick..
Animal Face Mask
Adorable animal face masks to spice up that party! It will be a cute addition to your goodie bags. C..
Animal Figurines
Having an animal-themed/safari party? Make these cute yet realistic animal figurines part of your go..
Animal Handheld Balloons
Party Handheld Balloons! Every child loves animal balloons! Unisex designs as both boys and girls li..
Baby Chick Chain Soft Toy
Check out this Soft and Fluffy Baby Chick Chain Soft Toy! Just twist the lever and the cute little c..
Ball Blower
Retro Toys for Goodie Bags! Remember the thrill of blowing the ball through a pipe and watch it magi..
Basket Hoop Toy
Fun novelty basketball game as goodie gifts! Perfect for birthday goodie bags or any celebrations!Mi..
Beach Toy Set
Beach set toy as goodie gifts! Useful and fun!Dimensions: 10 x 9cm Weight: 55gMin Order Qty: 10..
Bouncy Balls
Colourful Bouncy Balls! Simply a Must-Have in every goodie bag - providing endless back-to-the-basic..
Cartoon Colouring and Sticker Book
Let your child be meaningfully engaged with these Colouring and Sticker Books! Colouring helps child..
Cartoon Handheld Balloons
Party Handheld Balloons! Every child loves a balloon, especially if it is in their favourite cartoon..
Cartoon Temporary Tattoos
Temporary tattoos for kids! Children love having their favourite cartoon characters tattooed on them..
Cartoon White Board
Let the children doodle away with a marker on this two-sided white board in their favourite cartoon ..
Cartoon Yoyo
Who doesn't love Yoyos in their Goodie Bags? These little simple and traditional toys are timeless i..